Sunday, October 21, 2007

Monkey Business

New Delhi: Delhi's Deputy Mayor S S Bajwa died on Sunday of head injuries after a fall from the terrace of his house, reportedly while trying to fend off an attacking monkey.
Bajwa, 52, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) councillor from Anand Vihar ward, was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Apollo Hospital Saturday with multiple injuries and internal bleeding after falling from the terrace of the first floor of his Anand Vihar residence.

Though we are not setting up any special committee on the issue, we have suggested various brainstorming ideas to revive the efforts to control monkeys and we also take experts' help in striking balance between human beings and animals in the urban area," BJP Delhi president Harsh Vardhan said.
Meanwhile, Harsh Vardhan said services of foreign experts, if needed could be sought to control the monkey menace in the capital.
Ha ha ha ha ha, this is really funny indeed. In Delhi ,how do you differentiate who is “human and who is animal”, politicians and bureaucrats are adept and routinely involved in ‘monkey business’,all this hue and cry is perhaps ,this is the first time that one of their ilk has been claimed victim.
Historically,Delhi has been laid siege by several races, its time probably the Simian Primate got his rightful share of this Lutyen’s city, and the Indian parliamentary democracy process.

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